Federal Law Enforcement Urges President Not to Bring in Syrian Refugees

The recent controversy over allowing Syrian refugees into the United States has sparked debates amongst political groups. Now federal law enforcement officers are making their voices heard by urging President Obama to refrain from allowing 10,000 additional refugees to enter the country.

The agency says that the country’s resources are inadequate and that proper vetting of the refugees is not possible and allowing the refugees in could create further terrorist opportunities on the homeland.

Calls from bipartisan groups for a stricter vetting process have fallen on deaf ears with President Obama, who despite the recent terrorist attacks in Paris has refused to change his position on allowing the 10,000 refugees into the United States.

More than 23,000 Syrian refugees have been referred by the United Nations High commissioner for Refugees for entrance into the country with the Obama administration agreeing to allow a little less than half that number to enter.

The president of the Federal Law Enforcement Officers Association, Nathan Catura pointed to reports of ISIS terrorists having already inserting themselves amongst Syrian refugees and says that they have been “bragging on social media how easy it was to enter and exit the European Union from Syria or other Middle Eastern countries.”

Catura has also questioned the ability of the government to determine real refugees from those who are involved with terrorist groups in addition to the hundreds of terror suspects already under investigation.

“Federal law enforcement resources are already stretched to the limit,” he stated. He asked if the government is willing to fund the tens of millions of dollars it will cost federal law enforcement officers to thoroughly investigate another 10,000 refugees.

Catura pointed out the 48,000 homeless veterans and more than two millions homeless children in the United States and stated that the country’s first priority should be compassion for Americans.